

All workshops & conferences offered in:

Montreal           Monteregie          Ottawa         Toronto


Àlécoute-Ntouch   offers programmes such as  Childlren & Bereavement, a programme enabling professionals who work with youths and teens in becoming better trained in recognizing the needs of youths who are grieving. 

We offer programmes for youths/parents experiencing “separation and loss”; where do they fit in now?  How do they cope?  What are they feeling?  

Bullying including cyber bullying are topics Alecoute-Ntouch can offer workshops for youths, parents and professionals. Help in addressing these negative social interactions that can so easily escalate;  Tips on cyber safety and helping youths become more empowered in resolving their problems. 

Parenting is the most important job any adult will have. Parenting programmes helps adults learn more about child development, positive discipline techniques, all in a non-judgemental environment among other parents.  Parenting of youths and teens and young adults (often the empty nest) are all important milestones in a parent’s and child’s life. 

Youths and teens struggling in relationships, questioning their sexuality, accepting their body image and so many more issues youths are facing today…how to better equip them with tools to manage them better?   

Adults in various stages of the life cycle are constantly faced with “change”. How to better communicate in an assertive way…and many more…


“Being n’touch is about being in harmony with self and others.  It is getting in touch with who you are; it is self-discovery… self-fulfilling; it is about strengthening interpersonal relationships.”

N’touch offers workshops, conferences; clinical training on several topics, but it also offers life skills at various stages of the life cycle and always in an environment respecting diversity and multiculturalism. 

The workshops/conferences are tailored made according to your personal and professional needs and offered both in English and in French.